Uganda Project
The Amandla Base & Relief Center in Kajjansi, Uganda
Amandla Base & Relief Center first came to our attention because of their urgent need to replace several old buildings that were in danger of collapsing, creating a hazardous, even life-threatening, situation for the 60 orphans who live there.
The orphanage was established in Kajjansi, Uganda, in 2011 and, initially, their goal was to match the orphaned children with foster families. Many loving foster families were found, but soon, for most of them, the financial burden was too much as they were having great difficulty meeting their own needs. The orphanage itself was short on funds and struggled to provide for all the children in their care.
Early in 2016, Families for Orphans interim director, Debbie Rasmussen, became aware of the situation and discussions were initiated about taking on the Amandla Base & Relief Center as a Families for Orphans project.
At the encouragement of the Families for Orphans program, the Amandla Base & Relief Center has initiated research into the orphans’ families of origin and embarked on a search for foster families for the children who do not have family members that can take them in. Often, a family, with a little support, can care for its own, which is a much better long-term situation for the child, one that preserves family traditions and local culture. With the support from Families for Orphans, the Relief Center will be able to provide needed assistance not just to foster families but also to family members willing to care for these orphans.
The current need to provide a safe building as a base for the existing and incoming children while working toward family placement is still a priority. The Relief Center has acquired land for the building, but they need construction funds. The Uganda Orphanage Project, now sponsored by Families for Orphans, aims to raise the money to assist in the building of a new orphanage to meet the immediate needs of the children until families can be found to take them in.
Photos of the current orphanage facilities

Follow Our Current Fundraising Efforts
Join other families who are following the “7 Days of Nothing” model to raise funds and help rebuild the Amandla Base & Relief Center. Follow the progress on Facebook
7 Days of Nothing
Experiencing “7 Days of Nothing” is a way that every family can afford to help at least a little with no extra strain on the family budget. In the process, many families who have done it find that they are able to teach their children some valuable life lessons as well as give everyone in their family a greater appreciation of how much we have and perhaps how much we take for granted.
The “7 Days of Nothing” experience is very simple. Forego as many of the comforts of life that we take for granted as you and your family can, and for at least a week, try to live as close as possible to the way most of the world does. Then take the money saved and contribute it to the Families for Orphans program or some other worthy cause.