Voice of the Children
Your small personal sacrifices can add up to life-saving help for orphans!

Our Orphan Projects
Live like an orphan for seven days and donate what you save to change the life of a child forever.
Live like an orphan.
Give to an orphan.
Change a life forever.
Right now 60 children are in desperate need for a new building to replace the current orphanage where they are living. The roof is close to collapsing and the building as a whole is in severe disrepair, making it an unsafe and potentially life-threatening situation for these children. The Uganda Orphanage Project aims to raise the money to build a new orphanage to fill the immediate needs of the children until permanent adoptive or foster families can be found for them.
Acenda, has been successfully placing orphaned children with foster families since 2008, when an orphanage in Beira, Mozambique shut down leaving many children homeless. Acenda was created to ensure that each child had a home and a foster family to care for them. Supportive families were found and given training before their foster child was placed in their care.
A family for every child
Although food, water and shelter are essential for life, what many children want most is the love of a family.
Tragically, many orphanages across the world are filled with children who have family members that cannot care for them due to a lack of economic resources. In addition to helping children in crisis access education and provide immediate, life-saving assistance, the Families for Orphans program works to provide children with families by providing assistance to family members to care for their own children, training and assisting local foster families, or by placing orphans with permanent families through domestic and international adoption.

Our Programs Provide
“Now I have a family!”
Many orphanages across the world are filled with children who have parents or extended family members that cannot care for them due to a lack of economic resources. We aim to help family members care for their own children. Where family members are not available we attempt to place children with foster families or permanent families through domestic and international adoption.
“Now I can see!”
The Life Essentials for Orphans project identifies orphans and vulnerable children with immediate needs and provides them with life essentials such as food, clothing, shelter and emergency medical care.
“Now I know!”
The Education for Orphans project works to find sponsors who will provide the school fees and other expenses for children who live in some of the poorest countries in the world, giving them the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty through their own efforts.